Technology For Ambitious Companies

New Office Location Excels in the Cloud


As a big player in the eCommerce space, our clients success depends on their ability to adapt, react, and innovate with market trends quickly. To that end, our client needed a specialized team available 24/7 for data entry, order processing, customer service, and bookkeeping.


We had to put together a team that had experience with certain software, can communicate not only internally but externally as well.

Our aim was that this business should be running like a Fortune 500 company, with a budget nowhere close.


The result was realized quickly. The bottom line of the business grew not only from repeat customers who were satisfied, but from the team who was calling and disputing cases with manufacturers and selling, reaching out to customers to find out how they can satisfy them, all of this was set up and continues to operate well under budget. Seeing the business reach new milestones every day is truly a rewarding feeling.

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